Event: How to Start an AI Startup?
Learn from some of Australia's finest startup CEO's, AI Engineers and VC's on October 2nd in Melbourne. Get your ticket now.
Ever had an amazing idea for an AI startup but no idea how to get started? Or just as confused about how to get it off the ground in Australia as most of us? We got you covered.
Join us for a night to learn from some of Australia's finest startup CEO's, AI Engineers and VC's. How do I start an AI Startup in Australia?
When: October 2, 2024 in Melbourne, 6pm
Where: Library at the Dock (107 Victoria Harbour Promenade, Docklands VIC 3008)
Our Awesome Speakers
Rani Heraputeri (VC, Antler)
Chris Rickard (Founder & CEO, Userdoc)
Dr. Sam Donegan (Founder & CEO, Valenia)
Jeremy Nagel (Founder & CEO, FocusBear)
Our fantastic MC for the night? - Xavier Andueza (AI Engineer & Consultant, Everdawn AI).
See you on the night and enjoy some food and non-alcoholic drinks with us!
This event is made possible by Antler and organised by your mates from MLAI.